
Corporate Workshops

Educational workshops by Maurizio Cheli and Marianne Merchez

Starting from their specific experiences introduced in the book “Tutto in un istante - Everything in a moment” and based on scientific topics about mind and human physiology, Maurizio Cheli and Marianne Merchez developed a training experience composed of different modules that can be freely mixed and combined.

Marianne Merchez is a psychotherapist and mind trainer for artists, athletes and business managers. She contributed to Maurizio book with a “debriefing” chapter that illustrates what can inspire or stimulate the experience of the astronaut, of the test pilot and of the entrepreneur, but most of all of the man and the passion for its job.

Emotive intelligence and stress mechanisms

Workshop modules deal in a systematic way with the topics of values, challenges, self esteem, methodologies, leadership, communication techniques, time management and decision-making.

Topics related to emotive intelligence are explored and stress mechanisms are clearly explained, so that each of us can implement the right attitude to distance the so called “burn-out” risk in every moment of our life.

Hidden potentialities and motivation level

Maurizio and Marianne developed corporate workshops to unveil our hidden potentialities and increase the motivation level, that is strictly connected to positivity and the development of the attitude towards team work.

Workshops are based on the narration of the intense Maurizio Cheli professional experience as astronaut, chief test pilot and entrepreneur, with the goal of sharing practical suggestions and stimulating reflections about our professional and personal path.


Marianne Merchez lessons have been developed to stimulate interaction with participants on the following topics:

Journey through fundamental needs and dreams.

Search for core values Motivations analysis Identification of personal and professional goals

Facing difficulties, limits, fears and weaknesses.

Learning from our mistakes and failures and make them a source of resources to understand the present. Anticipate and prevent possible crisis. Dare to make questions.

Developing confidence and self esteem.

What are the foundations on which we build them? What are the resources we have to strengthen them? Spread out the wings and dare to commit to shine out.


How to develop enthusiasm and real trust in our collaborators. How to delegate, make understand and respect the rules. How to motivate the team and face changes by practicing creativity.

Communication tools.

Who speaks and who listens to? How to practice a respectful and careful listening, how to analyze facts and processes and how to protect ourselves from negative opinions. Attitudes and utilization of “magical” formulas.

Stress management.

Becoming familiar with our physiology and changing our point of view in order to use stress to improve the quality of our existence and of our performances. Everything starts from the training of our brain.

How to consider the future, our responsibilities and challenges.

How to enlarge our perceptions and change our perspective, how to collocate the transcendence?

Winning formulas.

Training the champion that is inside of us. Identify rapidly the needs of resolution of problems. Today is always the right day to create our personal “check-list”.

Human mind wastes a lot of time in the re-production of recollections and in the search for perfect future conditions, while it employs little time for concentrating on the current moment.

The chance given to our mind is now, today, by caring about what we are doing, minute by minute.

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